cable splitter

  1. al dae it pal

    Will This Work Ok Coaxial Feed

    Hi am making the switch to cable am wondering if this splitters fine . Picture Below Don't Worry am using compression fittings no the screw type :) Second question am using proper VM Coaxial is this ok to use ? Cheers .
  2. M

    Recommend good cable splitter and wire

    I want to buy a splitter and wire for cable but not sure which one is good. I saw on forums that having frequency 5-2500 is for satellite and not cable, and can cause problems. Is the screwfix labgear splitter any good, or is there any on amazon or ebay that are better? Thanks in advance
  3. Sher

    One channel pixelated

    So I got vm cable to work on my VU+ box and everything works fine except Sky Movies Action which is heavily pixelated. All other channels work fine. What I have tried: Different splitter same issue Different cables same issue Different providers same issue Checked all connections connected...
  4. P

    Sky cable splitters

    Looking for some recommendations about Sky cable splitters. I have a Zgemma h2s and I've just rejoined Sky as well. I would like use both at the same for the few decent channels that still work on the zgemma. What cable splitter should I buy that won't decrease picture and sound quality? Thanks...