Acer Aspire 1420p tablet: Impressive First Look


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Acer Aspire 1420p tablet: Impressive First Look

Posted: 23 Oct 2009 10:44 AM PDT

Acer Aspire 1420p tablet: Impressive First Look

Yet another Acer product has shown up this week at a press event in China, this device is an extremely sleek looking tablet which is called the Acer Aspire 1420p.

Details are yet to be confirmed at present, but according to SlipperyBrick’s article the tablet will feature an 11.6 inch LED multitouch display, an Intel Celeron processor (which seems doubtful in my opinion), support for up to 8GB of RAM, WiFi as standard and a 320GB hard drive, exactly where they found the source found these details is currently unknown.

As we find out more definite details regarding the Aspire 1420p we will keep you updated, check out SlipperyBrick for more information.

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Acer Aspire 1420p tablet looks sexy -