Anyone else?

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Hey guys just turned on my box to find all my channels are scrambled, besides the freeview channels. My box still says connected to the net but just wondering if the server is down or its just my box. Thanks a lot have a gooden


Added after 10 minutes:

Its ok guys just gave it a swift kick and its fine! ta
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I am glad that it is sorted for you, but seriously how do you guys expect to get any type of response with the titles that you choose? How is anyone to know what you are even on about with a title of "Anyone else? Anyone else what?? The key to getting more hits and valid responses to your problem, starts with the amount of effort you put in to your title. Plus how does this help the forum in general when it comes to search engines? How many people out there with scrambled channels are going to enter the search words, anyone else?
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