Ethernet Wi-Fi problem.

Hi, recently bought a h2s. Our Wi-Fi modem is getting speeds upstairs of 15mb. The h2s hasn't the option of connecting wireless.( not that I can see) so I moved our router down to the sitting room at the tv. Speed only a lousy 1mb. Wired up the h2s with the Ethernet and it has its moments still freezes though. Any info would greatful

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With home plugs will it give me the speeds downstairs for what I'm getting upstairs?

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Can the h2s be connected wireless it's bugging me how I see some box's that can be connected wireless

Sent from my HTC One M8s using Tapatalk
Yes! They can. Buy the cheap Openbox wifi antenna and that works with it. Just choose network wizard and run it then put in your password

Edimax Is another that works with the box without any issues. Plug in- run network wizard- choose network- enter password and it's done

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