Leaked Photo Shows New PlayStation Phone


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Leaked photos of a new device could prove Sony Ericsson is planning to launch a mobile phone with a built-in game console.


This is the image Engadget claims to be the prototype

The image was shown on a report from top technology website Engadget.

The phone is rumoured to be available before the end of the year.

If true, gamers will be able to buy a PlayStation phone capable of merging smart phone technology with state of the art gaming.

Sony Ericsson have reportedly armed the smart phone with Google’s Android 3.0, which is apparently a more advanced version designed for higher powered phones.


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Studying the leaked prototype image, it looks similar in design to Sony Ericsson's Vivaz Pro.

It has a similar shape and flips out sideways to reveal landscape PlayStation gaming keys.

In the unofficial picture, the product has a black frontage with white keypad.

From the images, the phone does not appear to have a keyboard, just the usual PS keys with a trackpad in the centre of the board.

Reports about the phone suggest it may include PS games such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.