New box info required


Hi Lads. Anyone confirm if the box ....amiko mini combo with Virginand is there Subs to pay, or is it buy the box and off we go...also the Kodi box MXQ does this need cable "which I have" or does it work off an Ariel it is not clear from the internet, let us know any info you have about both box's
Not to sure about the box, but you will need a sub, think the Amiko mini t/c is defo for cable
you better start reading the posts,all new boxes need a line or sub unless you are buying a freesat box.
amiko suffer from weak cable tuners posted many times even bees told us that.
t=terrestrial by aerial
Thanks Garyth. Cactikid the reading I have done on this site over the Xmas period, I would have finished the Bible my now. anyone else offer info on the 2 boxes at the beginning of this Thread, I'm trying to find a box that works on Virgin without paying a sub "I already pay Virgin why would I pay twice" I may as well just purchase legitimate from crappy Virgin all repeats anyway!!...I'll try my old Eurovox and the Max tomorrow you never know there might drop the Nag5.
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well then no sub means android as no others out there,terrestrial is freeview by aerial.

if we all could get free tv do you think all these newbies be here pleading/begging lol
By keeping virgins minimum package ie broadband just to keep line active after initial cost of box and line you are still gonna be better of than you would be paying virgin every month so i dont see what your problem is really
I agree like i said a he needs to think of the money he is saving the full package is what £90+ a month pay that to virgin or go the line route and save that its a no brainer to me :doh:
remember when all pre n3 boxes were out you needed to update boxes every 1 1/2 years to a new model ie starview then from 6 or 7 it was £££££ sub kv held off.
Most kv uses have bit the bullet and got a new box and LINE obv theres the few who will wait and see if they come back on i personally would just get a new box