not enough space on hdd...but there is

Is the HDD definitely mounted as HDD and not USB?
FTP into the box and check the mnt folder or use windows explorer \\\Root\mnt (substitute the IP allocated to your box).
I've noticed that if I unplug my HDD and plug it back in, the box remounts it as USB until I restart.
Thanks everyone, i have tried all the suggestions but still cant get it to the hdd, managed to back it up to the front usb though so at least i have a backup somewhere!!
anyone else have the same issue?
I downloaded the lastest wooshbuild version
followed instructions...and then got the 300M hdd erorr as well as the original poster
The backup drive needs to be set up as /media/hdd not something like /media/sda1 otherwise it will still work as recording media, it just won't do a backup.
As above:
Menu > Info Panel > Plugins > Mount Manager

Make sure your HDD is mounted as /media/hdd - if not, change it.
As above:
Menu > Info Panel > Plugins > Mount Manager

Make sure your HDD is mounted as /media/hdd - if not, change it.

THis needs to be added to the error message - 2 min fix to stop me pulling my hair out :)

This is an error message generated by openatv firmware so cannot be amended.
For those running Wooshbuild then the solution to this is to read the FAQ's which covers this problem.
Have almost the same problem trying to put my picon on usb.
i have a 4GB USB it says not enough free space, 850MB required. There is plenty of space . Any ideas?

Have also tried to put them on HDD that is 500GB with the same result.

Anyone who found the solution to this problem?
this is what happens when you tag another posters thread as he is using box,your using on pc.
if its windows related best to post new thread in pc section?