Cable Problem re-enabling cable tuner


My H2H is poorly so the cable tuner on my H1 has been brought back into action. The H1 usually only uses the sat tuner, so the cable tuner's usually switched off.

I'm having trouble re-enabling the cable tuner. This has happened before, and on that occasion I had to load a new image to get it working.

The tuner lock kicks in when I try to run ABM, which tells me for some reason the cable tuner's not re-enabled properly.

I'm 100% sure the cable feed's okay.

Any ideas?
Had the same with the H1. Returned it to the supplier to replace the DVB-C tuner. Running good again.

What the problem with the H2H c-tuner? If it works and only shows Snr 29% it's normal. It's a bug.
I've resurrected the H1 tuner before by flashing a new image but I'd like to avoid that.

The H2H doesn't boot.

---------- Post Merged at 11:30 AM ----------

Flashed a new image after all and the tuner's still not locking. Maybe it's goosed.

I wonder if the rattling inside is something to do with it....
Just to report back, I solved this by scanning straight from the feed ie by taking out any splitters from the equation. Bingo.