Shar pei

Hi àll I have a 4 year old shar pei called buster who has really bad skin. left alone he bites away at his his fur till it bleeds. Had him at numerous vets' fortunes spent and still no answer anybody any ideas? Don't want him put to sleep so any info would be great full.
Hi nickybhoy28

Look for a product called "Linatone", you mix it in the dogs food, it helps to revitalize the dogs skin. It's available from amazon.
Your dog sounds like it's suffering from something called "hot spotting" where the skin gets very dry and itchy, I've been giving it too my dog for about a year now and she no longer chews on her skin and her coat is nice and soft now.
If the dog throws up after eating, cut the dose in half.
Good luck :)
oh poor dog hope you get it sorted - but vets should have been able to tell you something similar. see if you can locate a breeder and ask thme as they might be able to help you better than a vet!
good luck x