Subaru Impreza 2002 1.6 - Starting problem


Hi! I have a 2002 Subaru Impreza 1.6 the car is getting fuel and spark but won't start. There is a Red Key Symbol lighting up on the dashboard. Can anyone give me any advice/information as to how to resolve this problem. I'm anxious to get the car up and running. Many thanks
IIRC the red key symbol is something to do with immobiliser

---------- Post Merged at 02:08 PM ----------

I used to work for Subaru dealer - try this. Have a look through your book pack - there should be somewhere where it gives a security pin code. Open the glove box or the small in dash pull down pocket thing and look for a little keypad. You put the pin in there to bypass immobiliser
Hi Intrigue.
Thanks for your reply to my post. Unfortunately I don't have the book pack for the pin code. Do you know if there is any way of getting the code or bypass button on the car?
Bear in mind it's been 6 years since I worked for them, but go to or call a dealer. Prob best to call, speak to a salesman and arrange to go see them as they will prob want to see your reg doc etc for security.

Ask them to look on Imola using your reg or VIN and the PIN code used to be on there. If Imola still exists. It was a system you could log in to run by the importers - International Motors, hence "International Motors OnLine Access"