& the questions start..


Just got my F5S up and running and need some tech help before I throw in another coax to sort my problem out

got my sky hd box and f5 box on top of each other the original 2 coax leads one is in ite sky box and one in the f5 with a loop in between
all works but when the f5 is on the sky box has lost a signal but when the f5 is off the sky box works fine....so the loop on the f5 is switched

with me so far....

i know throwing a single coax in to feed the f5 will sort out the configuration but..... Would this split one coax with the output to the sky box and f5 and the remaining coax in the sky box thus removing the need for a link.....


over to you
what i think you need is one of these for £5.99 including p&p
see fleabay item 110814007371 described as
F type Satellite Cable Switch A-B Hi Isolation Female TV LNB Feeds for Receiver
Whether you use a splitter, or the LOOP connector, or an A_B switch, you will still have the same problem. You cannot run 2 receivers at the same time from 1 LNB port. Your F5 box must have it's own connection to the LNB.

Each tuner sends control signals to the LNB. Having 2 tuners on 1 LNB port causes a conflict (as you have found out). Using a splitter will still connect 2 tuners to 1 port, and the A-B switch will switch out 1 of the tuners anyway, so they cannot be on at the same time.
hey guys need some help! am about to buy a skybox f5s but need the ccam cgf for it where can I get the cccam plz
Whether you use a splitter, or the LOOP connector, or an A_B switch, you will still have the same problem. You cannot run 2 receivers at the same time from 1 LNB port. Your F5 box must have it's own connection to the LNB.

Each tuner sends control signals to the LNB. Having 2 tuners on 1 LNB port causes a conflict (as you have found out). Using a splitter will still connect 2 tuners to 1 port, and the A-B switch will switch out 1 of the tuners anyway, so they cannot be on at the same time.

Thanks for this, I had been trawling the net for info and I came to the same conclusion .... Time to get the ladders out