'Thrillseeker' Jailed For Fatal Speed Stunt


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An Australian teenager who filmed himself speeding at 140kmph (87mph) just moments before he hit and killed a pensioner has been jailed.


The 18-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was given a minimum of three years for his "mindless thrillseeking" that killed the 70-year-old woman.

Mobile phone footage from a video-call the youth made to a friend shows him revving the engine, saying "130, 140" as the speedometer increased.

Seconds later, he smashed his dad's Nissan Patrol into an elderly couple's car, instantly killing grandmother Freda Page from Winchelsea, southeast of Melbourne.

Her husband Ronald was driving when the crash happened and did not brake because he had not seen the offender coming towards them.

"We were having a lovely drive and the next thing I knew, the glass was breaking," Mr Page said in a victim impact statement.

"I called out to Freda twice, 'Are you there love?' but she didn't answer me."

Mr Page suffered a heart attack, rib and spine fractures and a brain bleed as a result of the crash.

Judge Howard Mason told the court: "This was not a case of a moment's inattention. This was a sustained indifference to the safety of other road users."

The teen pleaded guilty to culpable driving and negligently causing serious injury.

He was sentenced to six years with a non-parole period of three years.

The court heard the 18-year-old was devastated by what he had done and the youth sobbed when the judge passed sentence.

Phone Video Footage:

idiot, you have to believe that he was going to put this on youtube or somewhere similar to show off, and someone had to die for his kicks :bang head:
"18 year old who cannot be named for legal reasons..." ??? WTF is that about.....what legal reasons? Yes he was devastated by what he done....after the accident. I bet you if he hadn't hit anyone, or just narrowly missed the other vehicle he would have been laughing. Stupidity knows no bounds......:censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :bang head: :bang head: