Uk Racing on Starview6

hello everyone. i,ve been using sv6 for a month and i wandered if anyone knows if UK Racing can be unscrambled. thanks in advance . george
George I have edited your thread title,

please choose more appropriate thread titles and not your user name.
I think they can sell a lot more boxes if people could receive this channel,
I know 3 people that will not buy them until they can receive it
Do a little bit of research before posting questions like this. You have signed up to a server that has a set number of channels available. You cannot decrypt channels that are not available on the server. You want uk racing, find a server that has it available. Dont take a free download and bitch about its content,you aint paying for it!
thanks for response

Do a little bit of research before posting questions like this. You have signed up to a server that has a set number of channels available. You cannot decrypt channels that are not available on the server. You want uk racing, find a server that has it available. Dont take a free download and bitch about its content,you aint paying for it!

i dont want to get on the wrong side with anyone. i just asked the question, ididn,t bitch about something for free ,i like what i,ve got. if you dont ask ,you dont get. many thanks

---------- Post added at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 PM ----------

George I have edited your thread title,

please choose more appropriate thread titles and not your user name.

thanks super moderator. my inexperience is showing

---------- Post added at 08:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------

i agree with you drbessco, i asked if it was possible to unscramble it and now i know i cant. thanks for response
Bri mate yr answer was a bit harsh if you could be kind enough to point me in the right direction of the sv 6+7 server and what channels are available i be very grateful.............Oh maybe like the rest ov us there is no info to be found on the free channel server as you call it only buy the new or if you have a sv 6!!!!! buy sv7 then apply a patch hook up to internet and c/s only then see what channels clear .........