Venezuela Simply Turned off Its Internet

Nicolas Maduro, the beleaguered Venezuela president, has just demonstrated he had absolutely nothing to hide when protestors took to the streets against his government. The president has simply turned off the Internet and television. It seems that Nicolas Maduro is worried that protestors might be using the worldwide web (especially social networks) to organize their dissent. However, the shutdown of the television stations shows that he is more worried about the entire world seeing what the president is doing.
The EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) confirmed that Venezuelans working with different Internet service providers across the country lost all connectivity late last week. In the meantime, the Venezuelan media regulation network CONATEL claimed that the cuts weren’t due to the protests directly. Instead, the network blamed hackers working for the opposition for offtime. However, it is clear to a child that it would a little hard for hackers to bring down news network NTN24. Well, even we suggest that they had, then why did they leave the Telesur in peace, run by the Venezuelan government?

Finally, Nicolas Maduro has admitted that the NTN24 was shut down upon his order, because it was trying to “torment anxiety about a coup d’etat”. The president insisted that “nobody was going to come from abroad and try to perturb the psychological climate of Venezuela”. Oh well, we’ll see.