WIFI question

Hi folks

I have a bit of a head scratcher here..... up until yesterday, I high nigh on perfect service on my openbox which was connected to the wifi in my house. Then it all stopped working - channels scrambled etc etc. I went and re started the router etc - all the normal routine - still won't connect. So I connected it via the plug in connector which is not as good as wifi. I have tried again with the wifi and here is the thing that confuses me - when you look at the list of networks available to the box, it picks up all the surrounding house networks but not my own!
The Skybox upstairs is working perfectly and is attached as per usual to the wifi network,,,,

What an I missing guys??
This may be sounding obvious

Have you tried rebooting the box , Remember having the same problem and that was all I did

Hi check if your provider is on line my was off for 2 days because of maintenance so the server was down
I have tried rebooting the box, re starting the router - no change. My provider is online as I have a skybox upstairs which is still receiving the wifi perfectly and is getting all the channels!! Really confusing...