Winklevoss Twins Bought Space Flight Tickets for Bitcoins

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, known for once accusing Mark Zuckerberg of stealing their idea of Facebook, revealed that they have used their Bitcoins to buy tickets for a trip on one of Virgin Galactic space flights.

The twins, Olympic rowers who earned MBA degrees from Oxford University, are currently Bitcoin evangelists and investors. Moreover, they are even going to create a fund to make it easy to trade the digital currency on the stock market.
In his announcement, Tyler Winklevoss compared Richard Branson’s space endeavor and Bitcoin entrepreneurs to major historical figures who changed the way the world was perceived, like Copernicus, Marco Polo, Columbus, and Vasco da Gama.
He added that it was in that vein that his brother and him contemplate their tickets into space – “as seed capital supporting a new technology which may forever change the way people travel, purchased with a new technology that may forever change the way people transact".
It is known that Virgin Galactic, an American offshoot of Branson’s London-based Virgin Group, is selling tickets for its SpaceShipTwo for $250,000. Winklevoss twins aren’t the first to pay for Virgin Galactic tickets with Bitcoins, but it remains the highest-profile flight booking to date using the currency. A few months ago, Branson announced that a flight attendant from Hawaii(!) had become the first person to pay for a seat in the spaceship with Bitcoins.