Would this cause a conflict?


One of my mates has 2 feeds into his original sly box for hd etc...Is it possible to have one of the 2 wires going into a f5 and leave the other in the original box and have both working or would this cause issues?
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It'll reduce his recording abilities on the sky box
ie he'll only be able to watch one program and recorder another if they're on the same polarity and band
Been reading up on this some more and from what i understand he will also need to switch it to single feed only as i'm pretty sure he only has a dual LNB as part of his original hd+ setup. Otherwise both boxes will be trying to take control of the lnb at the same time which could cause loss of signal at times.
using providers sky+ box and the cheaper skybox may get a no signal issue on the hd channels because of lnb dislike.
usualy sky fitted quad lnb did they not?
More reasearch done...So I'm assuming that he has a quad LNB and that the 2 feeds being used to power the original box cannot be split unless either he changes to single feed only on the box and then moves one of the connections to the 1st connector of the 2nd set of the quad LNB (if that makes sense) on the actual dish.

Or he gets another cable and runs it from either connector 3/4 on the dish to the F5.

Hope i'm not confusing things here :wacko:
I have fitted a few boxes for friends in the exact way you are describing and it was causing no signal on some of the F5S. Simply buy a no signal fix or turn the original Skybox off when watching the f5. As I say not everyone gets the issue so you may be ok.
i would suggest owners of skyboxes to do some reading as there are plenty of posts,just because you have not heard about it does not mean it dont exist.
So, in the end we did it last night and he would get no signal on the F5 every now and then and the original box started to do strange things like jump in to the menu's all by itself etc so he has disconnected the original box as that will expire in a couple of weeks anyway :-/

We did not bother with changing the orig box to single feed only either so just left it on with the F5.

Thanks to all for their input, appreciate it.