Wrestlemania frequency


Sub always purchases the events, just wondering what frequency it's on? Always have bother with it, either it doesn't work or it will for 30 minutes then stop so I have to use a stream on the computer


---------- Post Merged at 06:43 PM ----------

I use ajs satlist if that helps
Hi could you guys explain a little more about this to me if possible?. I know where to find the frequency TP list you are referring to and also that you can update them individually....but how does this translate into watching wrestlemania?. Sorry if I seem dopey!. Still learning really
Scan frequency in TPlist channels are then added.
Come out of Menu
Go to 'all channels' and the new ones appear at bottom.
Wrestlemania is on a channel listed as 'No Name' which translates a sky sports box office
Thanks so much for your reply mate (and sorry for my late one!).

Thats really interesting!. But how would you know which frequency to scan?.. And does the same apply to movies and boxing...etc on box office?.
