XML TV Guide and Now and Next

Hi Guys,

Had my V8S box a while and all has been fine with but I've never got the XML TV Guide to work or Now and Next. I can get Now and Next to work if I don't use XML TV but if I do, it's always blank with no programs in it and on the Now and Next elements it just says "No Information" on both NOW and NEXT.

It's all downloaded correctly and unpacked with no issues so at a bit of a loss on it....

Any ideas?

Yeah it updates fine - like I say, updated the EPG all fine - 100% and success - it worked on the channel I was on - had now and next and a full planner....moved channels and it lost it all...
Anytime I've had trouble I've just gone back to scratch and loaded everything again...starting with taking the power lead out of the box, update channel list, add EPG fix, etc. It might be worth you doing a reformat of your USB stick and then putting it back in the box again and run the update - then see if that works. I'm no expert at this myself tbh, so just have to go through a process of elimination to get things working again when they stop.
@Funkyfin2000...you are leaving the USB stick in the box aren't you?

Sorry if this sounds like an obvious question, but not everyone realises this.