Cable zgemma h1 av setting (picture setting) help


ive got so many option setting i do not know what is the best / correct setting to put it on

ive set the box as 1080p 50fps as no contents is 60fps in terrestial tv

but the bit i am stuck on is 16:9 - i have so many option dont know what to select: scale ? , pan & scan ?, auto (this makes the picture zoom in and out while watching tv so does my eyes in) letter box (this will cut of some of the picture) what do i set it up on ?

same thing for the 4:3 i had it on auto but cant be dealing with the constant big sizing while watching the channel, ive just put it on letter box for the time being.

by the way what does scale do ? and what does pan & scan do ?

i do not want to add artifacts to the picture want it natural as possible.

No point in setting the box to 1080p either as there is nothing broadcast on satellite 28.2 or cable in the 1080p (progressive) format everything is in 1080i (interlace)

Also if you have a Tv which is Full HD 1920x1080 or even 4K you should use the 'Just Scale' option and set your TV setting to its appropriate 'Just scale' option which could be named like on the Samsung's 'Screen Fit'

this means that any HD content you view on screen will give you the full 1920x1080 format and use every pixel available in your TV
yes your right, and yes my dad has got 4k samsung but for some reason screen fit isnt an option when im watching the vm box - it was their when he had the old sky gift box pluged in

do i put just scale for the 4:3 aswell ? hes not bothered if the picture is stretched as he doesn't like black bars going down the sides for 4:3 pictures
all the Just scale option does is match your pixel and picture resolution on your TV, so yes same option for both settings
thanks free uk ive put it on that.
as for frames per second ive left that on multi as it says it choose according to the picture displayed
There are only a couple of Broadcasts outside of the UK region that use the 60hz setting namely ESPN Caribbean on 15 west satellite every other transmission is in the 50hz range