
  1. dsayers2014

    Mgcmd 1.46 mipsel and arm for ViX, OpenATV, OpenPLI and possibly more r3

    Mgcamd 1.46 IPKS for mipsel and arm boxes This has been mainly tested on OpenATV 6.4/6.5 and ViX. PLI uses a similar softcam method to OpenATV so ATV ipk may work on PLI aswel as Pure2 Download link will take you to the releae page. You can also find them here davesayers2014/SOFTCAMS Some...
  2. Ferret.

    Cccam 2.3.9 arm & Mips Cccam 2.3.9 arm & Mips

    Cccam 2.3.9 arm & Mips Support of long ECM at any CS-server (Providers: TNT Sat, NTV Plus) Support of providers: SkyDE (caid 0x09c4), NC+ 4k (caid 0x1884) and Dorcel channels 19E Support of NC+ provider (caid 0x1813).