ABM (Autobouquet maker) First time Setup


Good Morning

As time has gone on the old gifts have now become obsolete but the sections in the wooshbuild v6 are still visible...I have asked a few people and have managed to install ABM but its not allowing me to hide the sections...Its asking me to configure the ABM...So can anybody tell me how to set the ABM up correctly to be able to hide the old sections... I have tried to delete the bouquets but have failed any help would be great thanks


Go into ABM and choose hide sections. Tick the bouquets you don't want to see and then run a scan.
If you want to keep bouquets but hide the dark channels just set provider to sky custom and whatever area you are in. Then scan, so you can have entertainment for example but only show the channels that work on cs rather than hide everything.
For some reason I haven't configured the ABM correctly as getting error up...When first installing ABM what do I do next? Thanks
Go into configure and set it how you want to be....then providers and set it to your sky area and then scan.