ABM ''Failed/cannot read data" 40968 Preston 2


Hi, been having trouble since Wednesday morning. Lost a few channels, ran a scan and got 'Tuner failed'. I was on an discontinued iPab install so decided it was time to upgrade rather than play about with that.

This morning, Flashed to OpenATV, installed wooshbuild infinity, ran through the setup process and now I'm getting ''cannot read data'' when running a scan with ABM. I've trawled through the forum and tried lots of different things but still no joy.

Tuner Config is set to 40968
Provider is set to: 40968 Preston 2 / Virginmedia UK (All systems)
ABM version 3.1, update provider files says 'config file for virgin (uk) didn't need updating.

Did a manual scan on service searching (type of scan - complete) and its found pretty much every channel and most appear to be working but they're obviously in a messy order and some of the names are questionable ha.

Anything else I can try?

"Cannot read data" errors are usually signal related issues. Check your connections, splitters etc. Until you fix it, you can manually adjust the ABM provider file to a stronger frequency as a temp measure. Do not update the provider otherwise your changes will be undone. This masks the issue, you will have signal issues on some channels

It is currently set to
frequency="595000" symbol_rate="6952000" system="0" modulation="5">