Adding a gift line / updating channels via lan tool


TK Veteran
I have seen in the few weeks i have been here people always asking how to add a line to a box.
There is "3" ways to do it on the skybox/openbox`s

  1. Via the menu and use the remote to type it in
  2. A usb stick with a txt file with the line in there
  3. A lan tool software

This guide is for the LAN TOOL way as i find it very easy to use and also can be done via team viewer, as long as the other person has a laptop/pc in the house of the box.


The following guide is for updating items (channel lists are all over the net and channels do change freqs a lot):

  1. Go to and under the left, go to LAN Tools and under this download the SKYBOX F4_F3_M3_LAN_TOOL file.
  2. Once downloaded, make a folder on your desktop called “skylan” and then unrar (you need winrar or another program) the downloaded file to your desktop folder you just made.
  3. Click the exe called SKYBOX F4_F3_M3_LAN_TOOL.
  4. Once the window is open, look at the top bar and put in the ip of your box (you can get the info under networking on the box) password will be 4 zeros unless you have changed it.
  5. Now with the “skylan” folder open, download the files you need by clicking them in the tool (one by one) and then the green arrow showing to the left. This will put the files into the folder you made.
  6. For changing CCcam/nlines (giftlines), just click it and then u can edit the blue text in the bottom window and then save (floppy disc icon) and send it to box by clicking the arrow to the right.
  7. To update firmware, rename any downloaded firmware to image.abs and update via the green arrow. The black window will show the % and will reboot the box
  8. To update channel list, just same as above but with the TP_PROG file.(don’t rename)

gift lines maybe like c: for cccam or N < cap N for nlines



C: server ip/dns 12000 (port) jack (username) jack01 (password)

I hope this helps a few people and dont forgot the thanks button!!

View attachment SKYBOX F4_F3_M3_LAN_TOOL.rar
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Stupid question, being LAN(local), does this work to a remote box, ie at another house(different network),could I update at mates channel list
Can I also upgrade the firmware via this LAN tool? Is it safe? Do I need to backup my channel list,gift etc beforehand?
how do I check firmware version on the skybox?
i have sold over 1000 boxes and update channel list and firmware without any issues, others have posted it can give the loop error on firmware

so use at own risk
What do I need to backup before I do a firmware upgrade? My youtube list loads but not the video... i think it need to be updated