am i becoming an grumpy old git


:gah:ok am i becoming a grumpy old git im not the one to moan, honestly ask my wife, but how does the advertising on this site work. For one we,ve got vermin advertised on here, how ironiclol and today i,ve noticed one of those payday loan companies which are nothing more than loan sharks so im led to believe, and correct me if im wrong please. Honestly im not one to winge about anything and cant believe i,ve posted this opinion. lollol
Adverts pay a SMALL revenue to keep the forum alive, without them we wouldn't be here. The majority of even major sites have adverts for eg look at Yahoo mail, Google mail also afterdawn they all have adverts unless you go premium.

Adverts for your usergroup, i.e contribute little to the forum as the post count is under 50 will get the infolinks and more adverts, once you contribute more = over 50 posts this will be reduced and if your VIP you will see very little.

I wish I could afford to pay for the server costs, the licence for vbulletin also vbseo, mods etc etc but I cant, believe me it isnt cheap and we do actually run at a loss atm which I am personally covering, so sorry if the adverts annoy which are minimal compared to allot of forums but that is how it has to be,

All I can say is maybe contribute more to the forum then the adverts will drop off with additional post counts.