Answer the question and ask another

Because you open the car door and sit straight down you get in it. A bus door opens and you walk onto the floor of the bus so you get on it.
Why doesn't McDonald's sell hotdogs?
(34) 60 60 - 60 60 60 - 57 60 50 total 501 non googled answer worked out with a pen and beer mat fashion in a pub in Yorkshire my lad.
What is technically the highest possible break in snooker
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(34) 60 60 - 60 60 60 - 57 60 50 total 501 non googled answer worked out in a pen and beer mat format in a pub in Yorkshire my lad.
What is technically the highest possible break in snooker
First 3 darts 151
T17 t20 d20
2nd 3 180
170 finish
Total 501

Highest break is 154 - 147 plus foul on black
No google

What would you rather bee or a wasp?
What would you rather bee or a wasp?
A: Your question is cromulent, though Edmund Spenser did write “His Lady sad to see his sore constraint, Cried out, "Now now Sir knight, shew what ye bee, Add faith unto your force, and be not faint: Strangle her, else she sure will strangle thee."

If that answer is not pertinent. I would say a wasp has a sexy little bustled waist with a thrusting stinger aft, reminiscent of a dominatrix with a whip and therefore much preferred to a strangled bee. IMO.

Q: In Monty Pythons film The Holy Grail. At the Bridge of Death, the Bridgekeeper asks as his third question to Arthur, "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"

What is King Arthur’s response? (Non bowdlerized answer please)
Sorry wrong answer.
Q: In Monty Pythons film The Holy Grail. At the Bridge of Death, the Bridgekeeper asks as his third question to Arthur, "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"

What is King Arthur’s response?
A:: European or African swallow ?

Q: Which is the best movie of all time?
A: The movie you yourself enjoyed the most.

Q: There are four British cities that have underground rail systems. London, Liverpool and Glasgow are three of them what is the fourth?
Guys, friends advised me to buy sim in SwitchOnShop, but I do not know anything about it. Advise me some more shops please.
Your supposed to answer the previous question before you ask your own. Sorry but rules are rules:

Q: There are four British cities that have underground rail systems. London, Liverpool and Glasgow are three of them what is the fourth?
Your supposed to answer the previous question before you ask your own. Sorry but rules are rules:

Q: There are four British cities that have underground rail systems. London, Liverpool and Glasgow are three of them what is the fourth?
a: Newcastle
& previous question Vodafone lol

Q: what has five limbs?
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