GrogBuild AutobouqetsMaker scan now required once box has flashed


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I noticed today when flashing my box that AutobouquetsMaker (ABM) appears to have changed.

The Grogbuild FR setup script has beeen modifying the ABM plugin so that it automatically scanned when the box first boots up but this was now causing abm not to load, when I looked at the latest code it appeared that this has now been added to the official ABM so I altered the setup code so it doesn't modify ABM.

I tested this and reflashed my box but it appears even though the ABM team have added the line of code that the Grogbuild FR setup script was adding it still doesn't scan when the box boots up.

I will look into it to see how to fix it but in the mean time when installing Grogbuild FreeRange, when it loads the bouquet list which just contains 'Favourites' press the exit button until you are back to just the build Monkey image on the screen and then hold the blue button on the remote until the extensions menu appears and then select AutobouquetsMaker Scanner.

I can't see an option in Autobouquetsmaker, configure or a commit relating to scan on boot oe-alliance/AutoBouquetsMaker
Using the sed command, the setup script was adding the following line to
plist.append(PluginDescriptor(name=_("AutoBouquetsMaker Scanner"), where = PluginDescriptor.WHERE_SESSIONSTART, fnc=startscan, needsRestart=True))
as there was no sesionstart there.

This has stopped working and the mod caused ABM to fail to load so I looked on github and the now has the line of code:
plist.append(PluginDescriptor(name="AutoBouquetsMakerSessionStart", where=PluginDescriptor.WHERE_SESSIONSTART, fnc=AutoBouquetsMakerautostart, needsRestart=True))

Loads a different function that I was calling, not sure when it was added.
sure it wasn't there when I added looked when I added the mod to the grogbuild setup. I must be going mad LOL.
Not tested but maybe have your own plugin. Maybe something like

from Screens.Screen import Screen
from Components.Label import Label
from Components.ActionMap import ActionMap
from Plugins.Plugin import PluginDescriptor

def autostart(reason, **kwargs):
            if os.path.exists('/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker'):
                from Plugins.SystemPlugins.AutoBouquetsMaker.plugin import *

def Plugins(**kwargs):
    return PluginDescriptor(name='start abm scan', description='Scan ABM on boot', where=PluginDescriptor.WHERE_AUTOSTART, fnc=autostart)

Maybe add the if tuner code exist too so it avaiods issues with tuners not configured
the odd bit is that even if the tuners are configured abm isn't scanning on start up/session start. well it didnt on my vu+ UNO

I'll give that plugin a try tomorrow, thanks I hadn't thought about doing it that way.
think I've got a plugin sorted, use your code initially @dsayers2014 but trimmed it down as was getting errors, autostart didn't work as no session is set to had to change it to session start. Also included the testing for nims so hopefully all will be good.

Reflashing my box now to see how it goes
imports where fine, but I have trimmed it down, added the import of nimmanager. works now on my vu anyway lol