DJ Hero gameplay, controller options detailed in latest Game Informer


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By: Xav de Matos

Scans of the latest issue of Game Informer detail controller options and gameplay for Activision's upcoming mixmaster sim, DJ Hero. According to the scans (via Raging Gamer), gameplay will feel at home for Guitar Hero fans, setting tunes upon a three-note track with the outside tracks (green and blue) crossfading left and right. As a note track shifts in position, players must use the crossfader switch on the controller to correctly play the note (think of it as drawing within the lines).

Similar to drum fill sections in Rock Band, DJ Hero allows players to customize certain sections of gameplay with an effects dial on the controller. Certain note tracks will ask players to scratch the controller's platter to successfully complete the note. Also, a rewind setting allows gamers to replay sections of a tune and, of course, the game includes a Star Power-esque multiplier (dubbed "Euphoria"), activated by a button.

Left handed gamers can also join in on the fun as the two-piece controller can be separated and swapped. Looks like Activision is pro-mutant. Kidding, lefties! For all the info make sure to check out the latest issue of Game Informer -- which you probably have nine subscriptions to... and don't even know it.

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