EPGImporter problem


Hi, wondering if someone can help me.

I have a Z Gemma H2S and I have loaded 'Whooshbuild Infinity' - all is working fine apart from the EPGImporter.

I have launched Epgimporter, checked the box for 'e2m3u' and when scanning it is only finding 1200 events (used to find over 100,000). Upon completion nothing is saving to the EPG.

I have tried to contact my IPTV provider to see if there is a problem with the 'epg' file, but they never get back to for anything other than payment (frustrating). Think it may be time to find another provider who has some form of support.

I have tried to search a solution, and have found nothing of relevance.

Also tried to:
- reinstall the ATV/Infinity/IPTV Scripts
- remove the EPGImporter and reinstall

Hopefully, someone may be able to enlighten?

Many thanks in advance.
I had same problem when I used sly q skin would download epg but not populate I switched skins and some reason it populated is your epg populating