F*cking Sony! FFS!


VIP Member

So recently bought a PS3 Slim, got a 3 year guarantee with it. Bought Need for Speed Hot Pursuit on disc. I didnt have any intention of jailbreaking the system as i had the 3 year guarantee and did not want to void it. So when i inserted the game it asked me to update to the newest firmware in order to play it. So i said, ok, lets do this - i'm not jailbreaking it anyway so whats the harm... So i updated to firmware 3.60. This newest firmware gives you the option of online storage where you can save your game data to their online servers. I then started browsing the internet with the built in browser, and how f*cking sh*t it is!

I then read online that you can get firefox on your PS3 via installing linux, i then did abit of a search and found that it doesnt void your guarantee, was very happy to have read this, so i then decided yes i will install linux. I then read up on how to do this and found that you needed a wireless keyboard and mouse. I thought this may be some sort of "special" keyboard and mouse for the PS3, so i said to myself "oh darn, i dont have that and i dont really want to buy it"!.

A day later.

"WTF, wireless keyboard and mouse..? I have one of those!" - So i rush and get it, connect it the PS3, and to my suprise its working.. yaaay!

So i was well on my way to installing linux on my PS3 running firmware 3.60! :)

So wtf is my rant about?

Well..I read about the "OtherOS" feature, tried to navigate to that feature using my PS3... and hey what do you know, its not f*cking there!! Turns out Sony had removed it due to "security issues".

F*CKING WHY?! It would have bought so much functionality to the PS3 system, using it as a gaming console aswell as a...computer!

So now, if a Sony representative is reading this, why the f*ck would i not be regretting updating to shitty 3.60 update. I cant do nothing now, and yes i'm more than likely to jailbreak my system if and when a jailbreak comes out for 3.60.

You want to know why?

Sony representative: "i dont know, maybe to play pira...."

No F*CKING douchebag! Not to play pirated games, but just so i can run homebrew applications. Now im sitting here all ****ing annoyed just playing games.!

Fu*k you Sony Fu*k you!

[Dont think i have been annoyed this much since this year has begun]
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I know what you mean buddy. I use mine for Netflix and such and eveytime an update comes out, you lose that functionality unless you upgrade. I would just say screw it, but the family uses that feature a lot so I go with the flow and then piss and moan about it.
Oh dear Dan u are pissed off lol dont think ive heard u swesr that much. But these large companys do do it to piss their customers off and then wonder why we jailbreak etc and why they loose money

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Until this very day, although i have calmed down abit, i am still very annoyed. I've been so annoyed that i've still been searching the net with the question in mind of why Sony removed the feature....

I then come across this:


I think i MAY just have found my answer. -_-
That video was fantastic!
Dan just come on over to xbox live, we'll look after you unlike sony's piece of sh*t lol

Mind you, you can enable a browser on the 360 also, talk about a piece of sh*t? Well thats why i havent posted it lol
You know what my answer would be in this situation Dan?

Hack the sh1t out of it.

Here's my reasoning behind that statement. You bought a console with zero intentions of hacking/modding it. Then $ony releases these updates to try to prevent there very thing you had zero intentions of doing, and in doing so, they throttle the functionality of the console. This does very little to prevent hackers/modders from doing their thing, instead it ruins functions and features for those who had no intentions of exploiting anything.

Screw 'em...hack it. (y)