FILEminimizer Pictures


Staff member
FILEminimizer Pictures


December 17, 2009

FILEminimizer Pictures from balesio compresses digital photos and images and achieves file size reductions by up to 98%. For example, a JPEG photo with a size of 5 MB can be reduced to only 0.08 MB. The software features an innovative image optimization technology: the powerful compression of an image is achieved without any visible quality loss and during the whole compression process the respective native image file format is maintained, making a subsequent decompression irrelevant.
FILEminimizer Pictures can compress any image or photo while always maintaining quality and image format. The optimized and much smaller image files are ideal to be sent via E-Mail or to be uploaded to portals like FlickR, MySpace, HI5 or Facebook. The software can also compress whole digital photo albums at once and features a search assistant which can find all image files on a computer.


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