help needed please

Hi, I purchased a technomate nano 3t.I have managed to set it all up and have scanned for channels and have a full channel list. I have purchased nlines but I am really struggling on how to put them onto box and tearing my hair out trying to find a decent tutorial on how to do it and a the download that I need.

any help/advice would be greatly appreciated as I know I am now within spitting distance
Menu, plugins, green to download plugins, softcams, download mgcamd 1.38

Then download the attached files, edit newcamd.list with text editor, input your line, save, ftp your box and copy both files to usr/var folder, reboot box, press blue, softcams, select mgcamd 1.38, green to start, blue to autostart

View attachment cam files.rar

---------- Post Merged at 08:06 PM ----------

Delete all tv channels as well, then use autobouqets maker to create the channels
usr/var is just a shortcut to usr/keys folder but yeah either one will do, I am just used to using the keys folder