How To Build Your Own Lite-On Probe Illustrated Guide


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TK Supporter
This guide was written by bhetrick on AD, all credit for this very well written guide goes to him.

"I've seen more than a few people now looking to build their own probe, to save money, but they can't quite grasp the drawing in the Xbox-Scene "Liteon Key For Free!" thread.

So I figured I put up some simple to follow pictures of how I built one.

So to start, I'll list the parts I used.


- DB9 serial connector - Female (pic above shows backside)
- D-Sub connector hood (not shown in this pic)
- NPN transistor
- 1K resistor
- 10K resistor
- spring from ink pen
- alligatar clip
- wire from earbuds

Tools used.

- soldering iron
- solder paste (flux)
- solder
- tweezers
- wire clippers

Here's links for the important parts. Obviously some of you won't have a Radio Shack near you, but at least the links will give you some necessary details so you know what to look for.

- female D-Sub connector:

- D-Sub connector hood:

- NPN transistor:

- 1K resistor:

- 10K resistor:

- alligatar clip:

A note on the resistors used.
My pictures and the links above show 1/2 watt resistors. You can use a lesser watt resistor. I just used the 1/2 watt because that's what I had on hand.

A note about the transistor. It'll have 3 legs; a Base, a Collector, and an Emitter. When you purchase one, the back of the packaging usually shows which leg is which.

So let's get started.

Step 1 - Attach alligator clip
- Take one end of earbud wire, clip off what ever is there, and separate wires a few inches.
- Slide one wire through alligator boot.
- Strip wire, apply flux to wire and clip, solder together.
- Slide boot over clip.




Step 2 - Attach probe (spring)
- Streach out one end of the spring.
- Clip end with wire cutters and straighten out.
- Solder 2nd wire (same end that alligator clip is on) to spring.
- Tuck some of the wire in to the spring. This isn't necessary but I did it so there wasn't tension on the solder joint.



Step 3 - Readying the npn transistor
- Using tweezers, bend legs.
- Using wire cutters, clip legs.
- Solder 10k resistor to the "Base" leg.
- Take other end of earbud wire, clip off what ever is there, and separate wires a few inches.
- Solder wire to other end of 10k resistor. Use the same wire that has the spring on the other end.
- Solder 1k resistor to other wire. It'll be the same wire that has the alligator clip on the other end.




Step 4 - Attaching npn to d-sub
- Solder the "Emitter" to pin 5. In the picture, pin 5 is top, outside pin.
- Solder the "Collector" to pin 2. In the picture, pin 2 is the top, second pin in from the left.
- Solder other end of 1k resistor to pin 2.
- Attach d-sub hood.




That's it. Your probe is complete. The spring runs to the R707 hole on the Lite On board. The alligator clip runs to a 5 volt source. In the Xbox-Scene "Liteon Key For Free!" thread ( ), they show the 5 volt running to a molex connector. You can use one of them while you have your pc open.

Myself, I have the original Team Xecuter Connectivity Kit they sold a couple of years ago. Because I use that for my power and ejecting (instead of the 360), I just attach the alligator clip to it to get my 5 volts.


Special Thanks To bhetrick for sharing this guide with the online community.
Serousily homesick you are a legend have been huming and hawing for ages about buying a prob since i opened my xbox and found an ugly lite-on looking at me instead of a lovely benq

Now i don't have to buy one and get the soldering iron out

you are very welcome thebyrnie, but i simply copied and posted this guide, all credit goes to a good friend of mine who actually made the guide, bhetrick. I am glad this is a solution for you and please tell others to stop by with any 360 questions!
Regardless of where it originated, it was you that made it available to all the users here Homie (y)

It's a very precise & easy to follow TUT.

Kudos to both of you (y)

I dont know what this does, yet even i could have built one, nice and simple homesick.
I wish all tutorials were this simple