Kodu gets creative on Xbox 360 June 30 [update]


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by David Hinkle { 2 days ago }


Update: Microsoft got back to us with the following: "We are going through the same peer-review process that every other developer has to go through, so there isn't any way to determine when the game will actually post, but we hope that it will be somewhere near or on June 30." So, everyone is trying their best to make sure Kodu makes the June 30 release, but don't consider that date chiseled in stone.

When the official Kodu blog mentioned that the title would be available this month, it apparently wasn't lying. Xboxic is reporting the game will be available for download on the last day of this month, June 30, for a reasonable 400
. Oh, and if you're scratching your head due to Microsoft's penchant for Humpday releases, remember this is an Xbox 360 Community Game Indie Game, and not an Arcade release.

For clarification's sake, we've put in word to Microsoft to confirm and will be sure to get back to you with what we find.

From - http://xbox.joystiq.com