M3u8 with relative paths to Zgemma bouquet


Hi ,

I was wondering if anyone can help me.

I have a url for a stream for a news channel online but I can't quite work out how to add it to my Zgemma. I noticed the m3u file has relative paths within it and this isn't recognized by Zgemma.

In trying to understand how the m3u8 works, I tested the url in ffmeg and noticed the direct link to the ts streaming file updates every 10 seconds.

I am guessing this isn't possible to add to my bouquet. My plan was to add it to my bouquet and record a few programs from the channel.

Any ideas?

*I dont know if I am allowed to post links here. This is what the m3u file looks liike

Thanks for getting back to me. I can configure the bouquet manually and the epg to use for it. My problem is how to use enter such an m3u into the bouquet...most iptv m3u use a direct ts link but the problem is this has multiple ts links that keep changing