Mac issues


Hi All, been unable to access my stb.. saying blocked .. contacted supplier who’s been fine..he checked connections & all fine.. but looks like unknown user(s) hacking mac from over seas/ he’s now added ip/ lock or something to address this.. is this the norm with mac related device
If was me I would see if your provider could hardware lock your device if possible I know some you like mag boxes formuler ect but not sure on stb emu pro ip lock won't do shite cause if they connect first it locks to their ip address not yours mate so who ever connects first it locks to theirs
Have you connected with a vpn router by any chance, this could show as a over seas network too
No jigger, i was having stb blocked on screen.. contacted supplier as im on local north network, but he asked same Q, looks like overseas had connected, now says im locked to my ip & see how we go.. just wondered if this is possible, like hackers
Anythings possible but you would have to have had your email hacked for example with your sub details on. Surely he can just create a new sub for you and block that one
Anythings possible but you would have to have had your email hacked for example with your sub details on. Surely he can just create a new sub for you and block that one
Not as easy as that with the software available for scanning lines and macs ect