My router or PC is affecting signal of some channels


Hi, I thought I had a problem with my coax but I've since figured out that it is either my TPLINK router or my PC attached to that router that is causing some channels to 'tune failed'.

My set up is this:

Virgin Superhub 2 at wall in 'modem' mode.

10m ethernet cable connecting TPLINK wi-fi router.

XPEED LX2 receiver connected to ethernet port on TPLINK.

Windows 7 PC connected to ethernet port on TPLINK.

Laptop using wi-fi to connect to TPLINK via wi-fi.

About 3 or 4 movie channels 'tune fail' when my PC is turned on but when I turn it off every channel is crystal clear.

Does anyone have any idea what could possibly be causing this please? It does seem like interference but there is no wi-fi in the PC so I don't see how else it could cause any signal disturbance. I have tried using a different ethernet cable but the problem remains.

Thanks very much for any advice
Power maybe, is your pc and router on the same power socket/extension? try turning pc on but unplugging the ethernet from it, see if that helps, if it does then change the router ports around and see if it helps
Hi crmorris2, thanks for replying.

I just tried taking the ethernet out, tried changing the ports it was inserted to and also tried changing the power supply sockets of the PC, cable box and router to different variations but the problem still persists.

It's so frustrating.
wonder is pc taking bandwidth causing loss of signal strength to cable box having remembered a bb service could be a lower signal than a tv service??
Hi cactikid, thanks for replying. I have removed all the internet cables from the PC and it's still the same so I don't think it's a bandwidth issue if that's what you meant? I have also disconnected the graphics card in the motherboard and still no luck. It seems to be either one of two things, the power supply of the PC or the motherboard itself. It's an Asus motherboard and I've seen a couple of things on the internet where people have said they got interference from an Asus motherboard but there have been no replies or solutions to those posts as luck would have it.

The thing is if a channel is not breaking up too badly I can manage to get it clear if I move the coax aerial cable about a little bit so that is definitely what is getting affected. Strange thing is I bought a high quality sheilded WF100 coax and that ended up with worse interference than the standard one I'm using now. It's also strange that it's only about 8 channels in total that get affected. But 4 are movie channels and one sports channel so I really want to fix it.

Hopefully I'll be able to unplug the motherboard from the PSU tomorrow and see if that makes a difference.
The mboard would not be the cause more likely the PSU.

I know this may be annoying but have you tried moving the PC away from the box and sat cable so it does not run near the PC?

Which PSU do you have inside PC and which case do you have?
Hi mortmaru, thanks for replying.

I was 90% sure it would be the PSU too but it doesn't look like it. My motherboard is an Asus M5A99FX and it has two PSU connectors on it, one is a 24EATPWR 24 pin connector and the other is a EATX12V 8 pin connector. I totally forgot I couldn't test the PSU alone as there is no way to start it on its own I'm sure? So I decided to try connecting it to only the 24EATPWR and there was no interference but the CPU wouldn't start so I connected the EATX12V and the interference came back.

So it seems to be either something to do with the EATX12V connection or the CPU. I have no idea how to further troubleshoot this. The CPU is an AMD FX6300. The PSU is a Corsair CXM600 Watt and the case is a Corsair 200.

When I move the cable box about 10 feet away then the interference goes away but I can't possibly set it up that far away from the PC.

I'm so confused lol.

Thanks again for replying.
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From the new info you have posted it is def the PSU.

The mboard would not do this.

Only true way to find out is try another PSU.
Hi mortmaru, thanks for replying again. I appreciate it.

It seems like you could be right. I sent all the details to Asus and the guy said it is definitely the PSU because the motherboard could never send out interference like this. I was thinking maybe he just said that because he works for Asus but now that you've said it too it does make a lot of sense because what else could cause such a strong signal apart from the PSU.

I'll send it back to Amazon because I don't have another one to test with. Means no PC for over a week too, damn. Still though I need to get it fixed.

Thanks again. I'll report back if/when I get a new PSU.