my script not working



not sure if anyone can help me but my supplier i think has gone out of business but i am able to still get some of the content as i paid for a 12 month sub.
but having had a few issues i tried to connect to my zgemma h2s by ZOC and copy in the original script i have and i get this message after connecting to the box and copying in the script:
sed: bad option in substitution expression.

when this used to continue to load on all my bouquets.

Im not the best with tech but do tend to muddle through in the end.
Im on a slightly different build than it used to be as i made the mistake once of updating my box which in turn lost everything so i flashed different build but the script did work again on that occasion.

the problem i am having now is i found another script online but substituted my password and username in and this seemed to have worked. this script was for flawless if that means anything.
but what i keep finding is when i select certain channels they start to work then my box just crashes and disconnects from my tv until i force a reboot and it is now getting very annoying.

any advice would be much appreciated.

thanks in advance