My Tribute To TechKings L@@K

Are you sure you really want to do this Homesick, maybe just don't post any more, but leave your profile there?
So creaky finally replied, and it was in an unexpected way. I felt that his answer was judgement enough to keep my account. although i will be doing the majority of my posting here, I will still remain an Ad member, as i have quite a few friends there as well. Thanks to all here that supported me. And I still think it would be awsome to be apart of a site that became well known starting from the ground up. I plan on helping this site achieve that goal. H~
Glad to see you changed your mind.

I personally don't have any problem with creaky, we usually get on fine.

Plus it is possible to be a member on more than one site you know, i don't see any reason to fall out with people over posting elsewhere.

Anyway, glad to see you decided to stay Homesick :)