Rumorang: Lord of the Rings Online could carry a monthly fee on 360


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By: Randy Nelson


A little over a month after rumors started swirling about an Xbox 360 version of Turbine's Lord of the Rings Online MMO, GameDaily has obtained images from an online survey suggesting the unannounced game could carry a monthly subscription fee. Specifically, the survey asked, "Assuming that you liked the content and theme of this Lord of the Rings MMO for the Xbox 360, how likely would you be to purchase the game for $59.99, plus pay a monthly subscription of $12.99?"

According to GameDaily's report, the survey also inquires as to what respondees believe would be reasonable real-money prices for various microtransaction items -- armor and weapons, additional areas, new classes, etc. -- from the game.

This development comes one week after Turbine's VP of Product Development, Craig Alexander, said the company is developing its games for consoles during the MIT Business in Gaming conference. When contacted regarding the survey, the company's director of public relations, Adam Mersky, replied, "Turbine has always been focused on the customer and one of the ways we do that is through extensive consumer research. We won't comment on this research or any of our future plans at this time." Mersky previously told Joystiq that Turbine would have something to show for consoles "by summer," with more news due in "a couple of months." That was April; E3 is in June ... a couple of months later. Coincidence? Survey says: "no."

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