Satellite cable issues


Apologies if this has been discussed but I can't find a thread mentioning it.

I have a roll of satellite cable which was bought within the past few months and has been used for a couple of jobs since then. It worked perfectly and is still working anywhere I've used it. However, yesterday when I used it to connect a box the receiver could not pick up a signal.

I tried the cable on another box/dish which I knew was working and confirmed the problem was with the cable. I tried a few lengths from the rest of the roll but no cable taken from the remainder of that roll worked.

I had a new, unopened roll of satellite cable so I used this with the existing setup and it worked correctly, again confirming the problem was with the first roll of cable.

I definitely used this roll of cable on at least two previous receivers and it's still working in both. Is there anything that could have happened to the cable to damage it or make it become faulty? It's been rolled up neatly and kept in a dry place with no kinks anywhere along the cable.

I've been thinking of possible explanations but can't come up with one so just checking if anyone else has had this problem.