starview - new to this


HI guys
As the tiitle says i have not got a clue but need some advice.
I am looking to get virgin tv, from what i gather i need to update the frimware on a starview 5 box this is where it gets complicated.
I would like to get all channels inc hd ones. I understand that i must get the hd starview box thats retials abotu £199, the only thing is i am seeing adverts for a starview hd combo that is available for pre order.
What are the diffences in the boxes>
Oh and i am also coming off a full sky package and while i know virgin does not offer the same amount of channels, is this box or any other box able to replicate the full package you get ith sky
Thanks in advance
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HI guys
As the tiitle says i have not got a clue but need some advice.
I am looking to get virgin tv, from what i gather i need to update the frimware on a starview 5 box this is where it gets complicated.
I would like to get all channels inc hd ones. I understand that i must get the hd starview box thats retials abotu £199, the only thing is i am seeing adverts for a starview hd combo that is available for pre order.
What are the diffences in the boxes>
Oh and i am also coming off a full sky package and while i know virgin does not offer the same amount of channels, is this box or any other box able to replicate the full package you get ith sky
Thanks in advance

Hav a quick look on vermin site. u will see all the channels they have. as for hd. well i wud get a kryptview hd that is on sale very soon. they have better support imo.
you can only get HD if you have both a HD tv and HD box
Think what ever box you get these days they have no firmware - thats your job! for obvious reasons.
Once you have firmware installed as said check out the V website and what ever they say they have you should get once box and firmware are set up correctly.
Have no idea what s^y have as i have never had that package - dishes are ugly lol!
As the saying goes pays ya money takes ya choice. So if you paying for a package you get what you pay for. when you not paying you get what you get. so depends on what your after.