Suggest a build for my ibox please

Many Thanks ...... Downloaded ... loaded to USB, flashed and display stated DONE. Powered off/on now dispaly is blank & the box doesnt work?? Tried to flash again but nothing happnening...... HELP
Try flashing again.
If front remains blank give it 15vmins before turning off.
Box off.
Flash usb in.
Box on for 15 min
Box off
Flash usb out
Box on.
Make sure tv is on and at correct hdmi source when turning on at end as this can occasionally cause issue
Still the same, no display ..... my USB lights up when reading but nothing happens when trying to reflash so i reckon its bricked
They're not that easy bricked dude. But they are awkward with usbs. Have u another u can try with?
Or download hddguru on pc.
Open it and untick quick and format the usb.
Then in windows format, again tick unquick and format.
Then put the folder back on usb and try flash again. Ignore front if blank again. 15 mins.