Tried to update, now nothing will boot at all.

Can someone please help me?!

I tried to update using the remote control but after a while the box started continually shutting down and restarting. So I turned the box off and switched it on again, and now I have nothing. No signal at all.

I have a "free gift" on my box. I don't want to mess up the settings so this doesn't work anymore.

Please help me or advise me on what to do from here.
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What image & Build is on box and have you got latest boot loader installed, if not I think you will need new flash, If you need new flash make sure you download latest boot loader first.
This is very strange.

Nothing will come up on screen at all when I turn it on, even if I put a USB in with the vu+ solo flashing software.

The tv says there's "no signal". I unplugged the HDMI cable and put scart on instead and it still won't work at all, no picture at all.

The very first time I got this box something a little similar happened and I used SCART for a while while trying to get the HDMI working, but now I can't get anything from the box at all.
So from what I'm reading, did I get "timebomb" and now I have a bricked box forever?

This is painful for me. :( All I wanted was tv without paying many hundreds a year. I had no warnings about updating through remote control, only not to change the configuration. I especially had no clue it could ruin the box forever.

I'd never have flashed my box. I only wanted to fix the EPG. It said "update software" on the menu, it had no warnings at all.
first of all box has to be identified correctly as unsure what model you have solo single tuner or solo2 twin tuner,using wrong image will brick box,clone or original is the next question will be important as using original image on a clone will brick it and newer images would need new bootloader first,at this stage i would think your free gift is gone when trying to update box and starting from scratch again,can you contact seller for info on line info and if box is a clone?