Vu+ Solo2 Update

can anyone help me update my VU+ Solo box - i am using the VIX image. I have just received 2 .RAR files - one contains my PICONS and the other is my channel list. can someone give me instructions on how i install these 2 updates on my box? which one do i install first or does it matter?

I know how to connect to my box through filezilla and transfer the files to the box but is there a specific location and how do i physically install the update once the file is transferred to the box?

Vix as autoboquets in there images
No need to flash any channel list mate
Put tspanel on and everything you need is on there
Icluding picons
no i still use it however, i dont keep updating my images. i just update the apps. i dont see the point of updating the image unless there is some huge change. which dose not happen often