Warning re spam emails from people pretending to be the tax office


FROM : securemail@hmrc.gov.uk
Displayed as : HM Revenue & Customs Tax Refund Notification

I have now had a number of these, but as im NOT stupid ( as much as it would be nice for it to be true)
i send them all to phishing@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk

which is the address to send any such emails you get.
The government as we should all know NEVER send out emails and well ive never had a tax refund lol!

they want you to open your account so they get your NI tax no and other personal details.
I also get a lot from banks HSBC - but NEVER from the bank i bank with - so again in know its a scam
So just be warned guys an gals!!!

this is the context of the latest email i got

Dear Customer
Your account been Flagged Due to Recent Fraud On your
account, which make Your account In active.
We Urge your to active Your account Now.

Click Here to Activate Your Account

Best Regards

HM Revenue & Customs