Which Phone Shoul I Buy?


I currently have a Samsung Galaxy A21 phone which I've had for a year.
I find it limited in memory as it's a 32GB phone & I've almost run out of space.
I find that the quality of pictures that it takes is average enough too.
I'm looking to stay with Android & I'm going to buy a new phone with more memory & a better quality camera if I want to take some pics.
My budget is around €220.
I find the German Amazon good for prices.
I'm no expert, so what phone would you recommend?
Have a look at the oppo range see the things with phones is it depends what you want from it operating system ram storage what megapixel camera you want and battery size.
Me personally I would be looking for a phone with at least 4-6gig ram and 128gig storage as phones with small storage half of the storage is already took up by the system