XBLM Deal of the Week: Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix


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by Ben Gilbert { 1 day ago }

In what will assuredly be the longest headline for any Xbox Live Deal of the Week post we'll ever run, Microsoft's offering a $5 reduction in price (from 1200 to 800) on Capcom's Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix this week.

That's right, folks -- you're reading this correctly. We're on the second week straight that the Xbox Live Deal of the Week was something worthwhile and not, say, DLC from a three year old game or, erm, DLC from a two year old game. We're not quite sure that the big M and Xbox Live are giving Steam a run for its money with deals quite yet, but we are plopping down our virtual bucks that much more frequently on the service as of late. Here's hoping that we'll keep seeing tasty deals like this rather than some of the ... ahem ... less than savory items we've seen in the past.

From - http://xbox.joystiq.com