Xpeed LX2 Image update


Hello Everyone.

Im running ForceFire's Latest Backup Image on my Xpeed.
Vix Hades 005.

If I was update to lastest Vix Image, would this delete everything pre-set from ForceFires Backup Image?

Or is it best to do a clean update, start fresh and add all the image features again?

Is it even worth bothering to update to latest Vix Image, or keep existing ForceFire Backup?

Thanks Everyone
If it's just an update over the net it will keep all your settings
and you can create a back up image of your own.

If you are "flashing" by USB it will need setting up from scratch again.
Thanks for response Bees.

Ok. will do that.

Is it worthwhile updating to the newest image regularly?

is there much difference between Vix Hades 005 and the latest one?

Thanks Mate.

If it's just an update over the net it will keep all your settings
and you can create a back up image of your own.

If you are "flashing" by USB it will need setting up from scratch again.
Hi can I ask where this image is as looking to do an update as for some reason my box us recording stuff that I have not programmed it to do.
Is it worthwhile updating to the newest image regularly?

I only moved from the Apollo image last week, I usually do an update about once a month if I remember lol

You don't usually notice any changes to be honest but if your image gets too old you will loose the online update
facility and you will have to flash the box by USB to upgrade.