ZAPping EPG for reminders


Just started using my H2S box and everything is fine, with the following exceptions:
I've discovered this method of setting series link reminders for future programs (zapping):

Scroll through the EPG and when the required program is found, hit the R Record button and select "Record Series" when prompted (Blue button).
Now Exit all the way out and goto
MENU>TIMERS>TIMERS and select OK on the required program. At the top line (Timer type) use the left- and right- arrow keys to select RECORD/ZAP and RECORD/ZAP. (In this case ZAP). Hit enter or green button.
Now in the Timer overview, the program name, channel and start date and time are displayed and (ZAP).

This is fine. Until

Some time later (I'm unable to determine exactly how long, but it has been as quick as an hour), the programs in the Timer overview revert from ZAP to RECORD without any intervention . So the program you wanted to watch is now being recorded rather than watched.
I can't find any settings that might affect this.

Another problem I've encountered is this:
When I first went to use the EPG to record programs, a program appeared in the Timer overview that I didn't think I'd put there. As it was round about the right time for the intended program, I just assumed I'd done it by accident. So I highlighted it and pressed Red button to DELETE. Confirming that I did indeed wish to remove it, the said program correctly disappeared from the list.

The only problem is, the program keeps reappearing in the Timer list (at the same time as the ZAPped programs revert to RECORD as described above).

Anybody help here, please?
Why not just press and hold the record button to set it to timer reminder

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From what I've discovered, that only zaps the one program, not the whole series. (Unless I'm doing something wrong).
Plus, I think, it changes to that channel immediately.
With it highlighted in TV guide can you press green to change timer type

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OK guys, thanks for the responses.

I've been into Autotimers and altered the Timer type to ZAP rather than record for each individual reminder .
I hope this works! Will let you know.

Pressing Green in the TV guide to change the timer type is the same as selecting and altering in the Timer overview. The setting lasts for x time and then reverts to RECORD.

It doesn't explain why the ZAPs revert to RECORDs on the Timer overview and still I've yet to find why the deleted programs keep reappearing...
And on checking right now the damn thing has reappeared again...
I would delete the autotimer and all associated timers and then set a new autotimer with record mode set to zap.
Mmmm. I've gone into the Autotimers and altered timer types from Record to ZAP. And, yay, they stay as ZAPped! Thing is now that the program correctly changes at the predefined time, but ALSO records (there is no option for [RECORD and ZAP] in Autotimers!). Whereas this is an inconvenience more than anything else (got to delete unwanted recordings), I can't believe that it was designed to be like this. Also having deleted the spurious program from Autotimers, it seems to be permanently deleted.

So thanks for the info. Although not perfect, things are more acceptable than they were. If anybody has a more complete fix, I'd be grateful.

Next question (sorry): In the EPG and selecting Green button (planner), how are the Tabs across the top (Scheduled/Deleted/Download/ etc) accessed. The NEXT> and <PREV keys don't do the same as on the actual EPG screen.

Thanks once more.